Welcome to my blog! This blog is dedicated to sharing my thoughts and exciting events in my life. My goal is to encourage whoever may wish to read it. No matter how you enter, I hope you leave with a smile! =)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012



This is pretty much what I saw from 7:10 to 12:45 this morning.... I can tell you this- it was NOT my ideal morning activity!!! I spent most of my time talking to myself, making up conversations with ”other people”(which happened to turn out to be cornstalks...), singing, praying, and(im ashamed to say) feeling miserable....

Detasselling is an interesting job. You walk through a cornfield and pull off tassels and throw them on the ground. The difficulty is identifying the tassels and this is hard to teach new-bees because there is such a wide variety. Once you know what a tassel is, you are all set! Another difficulty is the “afflictions” the corn causes... #1. Scratches and corn rash, you could prevent this by wearing a long sleeve shirt but that makes you hotter. And the scratches don’t really hurt too much... #2. Sunburn. This also can be prevented by wearing a long sleeve shirt but once again, it makes you twice as hot. And I don’t bother to wear sunscreen because it only works for a short time and it washes off. #3. Wet corn which makes you soaked to the skin and beyond. This, in my opinion, cannot be helped. Some would say “use rain gear” but in my experience, rain gear just doesn’t work....

My detasselling outfit includes a short sleeve shirt, culottes, old shoes(mine are on their third detasselling season), socks, sometimes a sweatshirt if it is cold in the morning, a hat with a face shield screen thingy, and gloves. All of the clothes are old ones and I will throw them out after detasselling is over.(except MAYBE the shoes.... they might need to retire...)

Anyways... enough about stinky corn detasselling.....

Last Saturday, we had a gathering at church and i had a blast!!! A lot of my really close friends and "familty" were there. We had an awesome group and an awesome time! I love all of you guys so much! =D Whoever reads this..... ;P

I gotta go so ill post more l;ater.

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