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Monday, September 24, 2012

Do you really know what you believe?

“Do I really know what I believe or am I just parroting off what I have been taught?”


“Are these my convictions or something someone has shoved down my throat?”


“Am I voicing my opinions or am I saying what I know they want me to?”


These questions and more have gone through my mind lately and I have been challenged to find the answers. The first question is an easy yet complicated answer. Yes, I truly believe that God the Father gave his son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. All I had to do was realize that I am a terrible sinner, repent from my sins, and acknowledge that Jesus is the son of God and accept his gift of salvation. But what does that mean to me? That means that the Perfect Son of God was beaten and bruised and killed in my place. Do you really know how much that means? That means that now I don’t have to spend my eternity in the torments of Hell! Praise the Lord I am free from the chains of guilt and sin and the devil no more has control in my life! Because of Christ’s sacrifice on my behalf, I Will now live eternally in heaven worshipping God! What an exciting time that will be!


I have searched my heart and can fully testify that YES, I DO believe! And nobody can take that blessing of knowing the truth from me.


The second question above is more of a complicated matter. Every person has different convictions. We can only search out Gods word and find what we know is right. We cannot make anyone else believe what we believe, we can simply show them why and explain it but they still must make their own decision. If you try to continually nag someone about ‘they have to think the way you do or else...’that will only drive them away, cause them to not trust you, and cause them to lose respect for you. Also, this may cause them to not want anything to do with Christ.

Just because you have differences does not mean that you cannot be friends. If that were the case, life would be “every man for himself”. I know firsthand because I can say that every member of my family does not always agree on anything. We must learn to work out our differences or avoid those issues or agree to disagree.

Don’t let conflicting opinions rob you of a good relationship with a family member or a friend! It is more difficult to repair bad relationships.


The third question above is something I really struggle with! I am a coward when it comes to speaking what I think not just what I know the person wants to hear. If we do that, it is the same as lying! When I think about it in this way, I am determined not to do that. Sometimes, I may just not say anything to avoid conflict, but if I am forced to voice, then I will not take the cowardly road!


Many more personal questions have been swimming through my mind and I have been working to sort out my brain. The Lord has blessed me with many who help me when I ask and are patient enough to endure my frustration, and do not condemn me for my faithlessness. Praise the Lord for such understanding souls! =) I love them all to death and don’t know what I would do without them!

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